How can I contact Vriol?

You can reach out to us at vriol.info@gmail.com where our customer service team will be happy to help you with your needs!

Where do you ship your products from?

We ship from our partnered warehouses and factories located in the United States, Europe, and China. if you order more than one different item please expect your items to be shipped separately, as different factories specialize in different areas of manufacturing.

How long will it take for my order to arrive?

Our Non-Holiday shipping/creating/processing times:
Processing/creation time: 3-5 Business Days (1-3 days with Skip the Line)
Shipping time: 1-2 Weeks (Business Days)

Where is your company located?

Our headquarters is in the US while our warehouses are located across the United States, Europe, and China.

Will I receive a confirmation number after I place my order?

Yes, all customers will receive a confirmation number to the email they provide during checkout.

How can I pay?